My name is Sergei Tumanov and I am a sound artist, music producer and photographer. At the moment I live in Melbourne, Australia, but I was born and raised in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. As a sound artist, I am mainly working with experimental music in different variations and also I am the founder of NCTMMRN (Australian based independent record label) and co-founder of UNDER SOUND (international independent video label dedicated to different forms of visual art).
I found myself deeply interested in photography about 20 years ago, but it never lead me to actually doing it as something more than just a “hobby to collect memories from vacations”. However, this changed in 2018 when curiosity made me read a book about philosophy in photo art and since then I have realised that I do want to invest more time and take photography more seriously.
I auditioned a photography course at Novosibirsk State University in 2019 and since then I have been married to my camera. Every time I go somewhere I take it with me and I simply enjoy taking pictures and editing (or not) them afterwards. As an artist, I realised that photography helps me to find more ways to discover and reflect my creativity.
I hope you like what you see on this website, at least I believe if you are reading this you have some interest in my work. I thank you for it and I hope we will stay in touch.
Yours sincerely, Sergei Tumanov